Happy Valentine’s Day to my (other) sweetheart, the Ford Mustang! Ah, yes, that lovely Hallmark Holiday that says we should give cheeky love notes and chocolates to our crushes, but chocolate and leather seats don’t mix. So, I suppose Lily (my Mustang of course!) will get a spa day instead, and why not? The light at the end of the winter tunnel is showing, and spring is on the horizon. You know what that means? *wink wink*
Car Shows! Parades! Road Trips! Yes, the joy of cruising and showing is nearing another season, and what better companion to do such things than with a Ford Mustang! I have written before about the camaraderie our cars bring us, and maybe I am feeling a little Hallmark-y this month, but boy do I love the Mustang, this Club, and the adventures those two things bring. There is an intangible emotion that comes with driving, with countless books written on the subject (there is one on my bookshelf now just waiting to be read), and while everyone has their own words to describe it, I submit to you it is something no one can really pinpoint to a single emotion. Freedom? Exhilaration? Pride? Contentment? Skimming the thesaurus produces all sorts of synonyms for joy and happiness. But I think it is easier to describe than that: love.
Love itself is nearly impossible to understand. We are never really sure what gives us that feeling being with our significant other or what draws us to one group of people over another. And while I think “love” as a concept is often played for entertainment, it is the one thing that is truly universal (besides death and taxes). It is this je ne sais quoi of the human experience that brings us together as a club, for we are drawn to an inanimate, unfeeling assembly of metal and rubber as if it was one of our own. We name our rides and pamper them with treats, and we are picky with who we share our rides and time with.
So, this Valentine’s Day, as you share heart candies and witty poems, take time to send some love into the garage, too. The Mustang Love is a beautiful thing, and as the spring activities approach, I feel that stir in my soul (no, not that one) to express that love with people I care about. But if you rather I send you a box-o-chocolates, I can do that, too!